Wait for a window to appear?

Started by jkjk12, May 06, 2014, 12:38:57 PM

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I have this code that works.  I used roboscript to create it.

; Made with
;   RoboScripter ver: 45
;   CtlMgr ver: 44039

;Title: Error
;ID: 0
;Class: #32770
;Level: 1

; Default cWndByWndSpec seems OK here
cSetFocus(ControlHandle)  ; Activates Window

How do I WAIT until the Window "Error" actually shows up?

and RoboScript used to work even if no one was logged in.  Entirely in member, I assume that is still the case?


I recommend using WinWaitExist.

Code (winbatch) Select

ret = WinWaitExist('Error',10)
If ret == 0
   Pause('Notice','Unable able to locate the window in the specified timeout.')
Pause('Notice','Located window and ready to continue')
Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.