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All Things WinBatch => WinBatch => Topic started by: jtrask on October 15, 2015, 11:05:20 AM

Title: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: jtrask on October 15, 2015, 11:05:20 AM
Before I successfully re-invent the wheel (I'm failing miserably at present), is there a prescribed method for converting seconds to YmdHms or some other recognizable time format?

I thought I had a grip in it, but I've got what must be a rounding error.  I experiencing a discrepancy of 4 hours for a 13 day 21ish hour elapsed time.

At first that seemed crazy to me, but I AM doing some crazy math.  I'm using the Huge Math Extender and converting seconds to minutes.  Then I convert the minutes to years.  I take what's to the left of my decimal as the years, and take what's on the right to be months.  Then I do more math to calculate months/fractions of a month.  Then I turn the fraction of a month into days, etc.

; UDF_SecMinToYmdHms()
; Version 1.0                                             
; Decription: Converts seconds or minutes to YmdHms format
; Dependencies:
; Global Variables:
; Inputs: vintElapsed = Number of seconds or minutes to convert
;         vintUOM = Unit of measure.  Either "Seconds" or "Minutes"
; Outputs: Elapsed time in YmdHms format

#DefineFunction UDF_SecMinToYmdHms(vintElapsed,vstrUOM)

; Set the program to goto the WBErrorHandler function if there is a problem.

; Resume DebugTrace (if it was already active


vintElapsed = Huge_Multiply(vintElapsed,1) ;convert to a huge number

If StriCmp(vstrUOM,"Seconds") == 0 Then
vintElapsedMinutes = Huge_Divide(vintElapsed,60)
vintElapsedMinutes = Huge_Multiply(vintElapsedMinutes,1)
End If

vintYears = Huge_Divide(vintElapsedMinutes,525600) ; Minutes in a year
vintTempMonths = ".":ItemExtract(2,vintYears,".")
vintYears = ItemExtract(1,vintYears,".")

vintMonths = Huge_Multiply(vintTempMonths,12) ; 12 = months in a year
vintTempDays = ".":ItemExtract(2,vintMonths,".")
vintMonths = ItemExtract(1,vintMonths,".")

vintDays = Huge_Multiply(vintTempDays,30) ; 30 = days in a month (roughly)
vintTempHours = ".":ItemExtract(2,vintDays,".")
vintDays = ItemExtract(1,vintDays,".")

vintHours = Huge_Multiply(vintTempHours,24) ; 24 = hours in a day
vintTempMinutes = ".":ItemExtract(2,vintHours,".")
vintHours = ItemExtract(1,vintHours,".")

vintMinutes = Huge_Multiply(vintTempMinutes,60) ; 60 = minutes in an hour
vintTempSeconds = ".":ItemExtract(2,vintMinutes,".")
vintMinutes = ItemExtract(1,vintMinutes,".")

vintSeconds = vintTempSeconds * 60 ; 60
vintSeconds = vintSeconds * 1.0
vintSeconds = ItemExtract(1,vintSeconds,".")

vstrElapsed = vintYears:":":vintMonths:":":vintDays:":":vintHours:":":vintMinutes:":":vintSeconds



; Huge Math Extender for converting seconds to YmdHms

vintElapsed = UDF_SecMinToYmdHms(1198800,"Seconds")
Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: JTaylor on October 15, 2015, 11:13:53 AM
No time to try it at the moment but could you just use TimeAdd()?   Not sure if it would work if it is a HUGE number but a thought.    Maybe divide the HUGE number into one TimeAdd would recognize if needed?   Starting point would be one of the questions I suppose.

Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: JTaylor on October 15, 2015, 12:38:22 PM
Something like:

Code (winbatch) Select

start_time       = "1000:01:01:00:00:00"
time_in_seconds  = "92387812"

dateo = TimeAdd(start_time,"0000:00:00:00:00:":time_in_seconds)

amt_of_time = TimeDiff(dateo,start_time)

message(dateo, amt_of_time)

or the combined version

Code (winbatch) Select

time_in_seconds  = "92387812"

amt_of_time = TimeDiff(TimeAdd("1000:01:01:00:00:00","0000:00:00:00:00:":time_in_seconds),"1000:01:01:00:00:00")

Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: jtrask on October 15, 2015, 01:08:10 PM
It gets upset when I pass it 119880 seconds. 

Perhaps I can fiddle with the number and convert it to larger units of measure and then use TimeDiff/TimeAdd?
Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: jtrask on October 15, 2015, 01:28:34 PM
Actually, I fat fingered my number of seconds when I copied it into the script.  I THOUGH I was converting 1198800 seconds, but I was, in fact, converting 119880 seconds. Big difference.

JTaylor, you are a genius.  This is soooo much simpler.  And it has an added bonus: it WORKS!

Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: JTaylor on October 15, 2015, 01:51:28 PM
Glad to hear it.

Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: td on October 15, 2015, 01:58:19 PM
Just remember that the time_in_seconds variable cannot contain an integer equivalent value larger than 2147483647. Which works out to a little over 68 years worth of seconds...
Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: JTaylor on October 15, 2015, 02:58:49 PM
Yeah, that is why I suggested using HUGE Math to divide it if needed.  Looks like his number of seconds is fairly small though if what is posted is a standard sample.

Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: td on October 16, 2015, 11:45:01 AM
Quote from: JTaylor on October 15, 2015, 02:58:49 PM
Yeah, that is why I suggested using HUGE Math to divide it if needed.  Looks like his number of seconds is fairly small though if what is posted is a standard sample.


Just noting the limit for future readers since it's not documented anywhere.
Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: stanl on October 17, 2015, 04:19:02 AM
.NET has TimeSpan - could that be used with the WB CLR?
Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: td on October 19, 2015, 06:36:43 AM
It's a structure so you would have write a C# wrapper class and it has the same seconds limit as TimeAdd.
Title: Re: Convert Seconds to YmdHms
Post by: DAG_P6 on October 19, 2015, 10:07:53 PM
Quote from: stanl on October 17, 2015, 04:19:02 AM
.NET has TimeSpan - could that be used with the WB CLR?

Only if you used its Ticks member, which is a 64 bit integer. Owing to its simplicity, I use the Ticks member for most of the arithmetic I do with times in .NET.