FileCopy failed

Started by mathia, December 01, 2014, 03:09:05 PM

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Initial error is 1008.  More info yields CopyFile error: 3.
What exactly does this mean?
Here is the offending line:  filecopy("C:\DWStorage\Images\Loan_Fil.000001\000\000\107\0000027535\\f0.pdf","c:\csf\011599751 - ABBOTT ERICA\011599751.1.*",0)


System error code 3's associated text is "The system cannot find the path specified" and may be the result of the extra backslash you placed in the first parameter to the function.

"No one who sees a peregrine falcon fly can ever forget the beauty and thrill of that flight."
  - Dr. Tom Cade


Thanks for the answer.  I've been looking at it way to long to have seen it.  PLUS, as displayed, the error shows one \ at the end of a line and the other \ at the beginning of the next one.  Reminds me of one of those puzzles where you're looking for the extra word.  Thanks again.