Compiler error

Started by Mogens Christensen, March 22, 2024, 02:05:01 AM

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Mogens Christensen


When the compiler is called i get this error message

"Invalid output type - \\topdanmark\datadfs\ztuedata\tue"

filer = AskFileName("vælg filer til compilering","\\topdanmark\datadfs\ztuedata\tue driftudvikling\winbatch\source\","winbatch|*.wbt","",102)
(10765) VALUE UNICODE => \\topdanmark\datadfs\ZTUEDATA\TUE Driftudvikling\Winbatch\Source\autotaks.wbt \\topdanmark\datadfs\ZTUEDATA\TUE Driftudvikling\Winbatch\Source\db2uext2.wbt

antal = ItemCount(filer,@TAB)
(10969) VALUE INT => 2

IF antal == 0 THEN EXIT
(11125) ==>FALSE=> (skipped)

RunShell("C:\Program Files (x86)\WinBatch\System\WBCompiler.exe","\\topdanmark\datadfs\ZTUEDATA\TUE Driftudvikling\Winbatch\Source\autotaks.wbt","\\topdanmark\datadfs\ztuedata\tue driftudvikling\winbatch\source",@normal,@nowait)
(11750) VALUE INT => 1

Wname = "WinBatch Compiler (32-bit)"
(11969) VALUE STRING => "WinBatch Compiler (32-bit)"

If WinWaitExist(Wname, 15) THEN SendKeysTo(Wname,"!o")
(28062) ==>FALSE=> (skipped)



The space character is a delimiter for compiler arguments. You need to quote arguments that contain space characters so that the argument is treated as a single argument.

For example:
'"\\topdanmark\datadfs\ZTUEDATA\TUE Driftudvikling\Winbatch\Source\autotaks.wbt"'
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