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All Things WinBatch => WinBatch => Topic started by: spl on May 04, 2024, 07:15:27 AM

Title: Playing with MOF and WMI
Post by: spl on May 04, 2024, 07:15:27 AM
While .mof files are generally used for DSC configurations of servers or local machines, they supposedly work well with WMI. I am a dummy when it comes to DSC but have posted WQL scripts over the years.

The code below is an example of creating/removing a WMI Namespace called Winbatch. Of course the .mof files could be created manually in Notepad and later compiled with mofcomp.exe. Be fun to go further

but so far have been unable to find a good reference, i.e. what are all the pragmas, syntax for defining properties, instances.
;NOTE: Using ## to avoid invalid char error
mof = $"##pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root")

instance of __Namespace
    Name = "WinBatch";

mofile = "C:\temp\CreateWB.mof"
If Fileexist(mofile) Then Filedelete(mofile)
If FileExist(mofile) Then Message("MOF File Created",mofile)

;you can run "mofcomp.exe c:\temp\CreateWB.mof" as mofcomp should be installed in \systen32
;after you confirm the Namespace was created use this

mofile = "C:\temp\CreateWB.mof"
If Fileexist(mofile)
   delmofile = "C:\temp\RemoveWB.mof"
   mof=$"##pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root")

   ##pragma deleteinstance
       ("__Namespace.Name='WinBatch'", FAIL)
;and run  "mofcomp.exe C:\temp\RemoveWB.mof"
;and include error-handler to catch errors for the FAIL option
Title: Re: Playing with MOF and WMI
Post by: JTaylor on May 04, 2024, 07:56:32 PM
Very Interesting.

Just to make sure I can populate the DSC this way and then use WMI to pull the info like you can do for things like the system hardware configuration?


Title: Re: Playing with MOF and WMI
Post by: JTaylor on May 04, 2024, 08:14:51 PM
A further question, what advantage would you gain doing something like this over using the registry?  Would this be more broadly accessible?

Title: Re: Playing with MOF and WMI
Post by: spl on May 05, 2024, 05:22:23 AM
Quote from: JTaylor on May 04, 2024, 08:14:51 PMA further question, what advantage would you gain doing something like this over using the registry?  Would be this more broadly accessible?


Probably a huge toss-up. The general idea was tossed at me [not necessarily for WB code] as possible way to manage fully functional distributed executables, i.e. date expires, renew, commands....

It would get complicated, but also could be more advanced than registry.. for example
Title: Re: Playing with MOF and WMI
Post by: spl on May 07, 2024, 10:01:55 AM
This just did a 180.... now the interest shifted from mof=>secure vault. I see there is a Microsoft Azure .NET assembly [but requires a subscription]. Played with new PS modules for creating/configuring/implementing a secure vault [pretty neat]. I was thinking about creating a secure vault for WB with a Wil map [ encrypted/hidden/password protected ] but Maps don't process as data types... so maybe a small SQLite table? Dunno.