This is related to my previous thread regarding creation of a disconnected recordset from a text file. Read no further if it didn't suit 'yer> Ars longa, vita brevis
I had left off with a script to import a disconnected recordset [either xml or adtg] into a pretty nice formatted and typed Excel. I wanted to continue with a script to perform the same into an Access db table, where the access files was created from scratch.
In the old days, ADOX was the method
accdb = dirscript():"testdata.accdb"
cat= CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
conn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=":accdb
If FileExist(accdb)
Display(2,"Database Created",accdb)
Display(2,"Database NOT CREATED",accdb)
but seems with advent of Win10 and 64bit office and maybe just Microsoft.... this will error with a class not registered even though ADOX is in the registry and if code converted to PS will work fine. So putting that in a WB script returns the error.
So, dig deep into the archives, and this worked...
accdb = dirscript():"testdata.accdb"
If FileExist(accdb) Then FileDelete(accdb)
Display(2,"Creating Access Database",accdb)
application = CreateObject("Access.Application")
If FileExist(accdb)
Display(2,"Database Created",accdb)
Display(2,"Database NOT CREATED",accdb)
and trust me, AI wasn't helpful.
On my Windows 11 system, your "ADOX.Catalog" script works just fine. The 64-bit COM server dll is "C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msadox.dll" and the 32-bit COM server dll is C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\ado\msadox.dll".
Guess would be that you don't have the 32-bit dll on your system.
My thought too, initially, but both Msadox.dll and Msadox28.tlb are there. I ran a repair on my Office 2016 install and Access Database Engine 2016 - though I doubt those affect Adox. Plan-B I posted is good for now. Thanks for looking.
[EDIT]: For the record, adox snippet works w/64bit WB. And the parameter for the second snippet should be 12, not 10. 10 Creates an .mdb file even if using .accdb extension.
If both DLLs are present then the only other explanation is that the 32-bit DLL is not registered. The 32-bit version of the DLL is registered under the WOW6432Node key of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key.