One of the basic web-scraping exercises for WB should be parsing links to WB tech articles, something Jim and I did around 2002-2003 with an Access .mdb file. Articles have grown and the old web-scraping is deprecated.
Anyhoo... I sent Jim code to scrape the tech db for possible use with his new Webview extender. My code nested to 3 levels and took perhaps 1/2 hour to run (and contained duplicates). I would come up with a link like
Jim then gave me about 4-5 lines of code to add to his button which gave
but only takes about 5 seconds. [Please take time to pull up both links to see they have the same data, just a different appearance].
In spite of how obnoxious I may have appeared in threads I have always maintained it is not a competition but a learning experience. The attached wb script [Jim's code] will obtain the links in around 5 seconds. The caveats are
- It must be run from Jim's extender folder
- It must be compiled
...but opening web-scraping to the event-level is dynamite!!
I did post an update to the Help file. Thought there was an issue but forgot I had already solved the problem and forgot to document it.
To clarify the mention of running from the Extender folder. This Extender works pretty much like any other. You must tell it where the Extender resides but if you have it in the WinBatch System folder it will default just like the others. The only difference is it requires the webview2 runtime be present and you can indicate that location as part of the wvCreate() process.