Get URL from Chrome Broswer while in Kiosk mode

Started by garcijo, January 20, 2016, 01:48:26 PM

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Hello I have been trying to figure out how to get the URL from a chrome browser.
I have successfully tested with script referenced below. but it does not work when chrome browser is in Kiosk mode.
Can someone help.


Can't take the time to provide a copy and paste solution, so unless someone else has the  time to burn you are going to have to figure it out.   The Tech Database example is based on some online c# example.  For example,

You need to determine what are the UI object difference between the Chrome modes and modify the c# accordingly.  You could use MSFT's inspect.exe to do this which is part of some Windows SDKs.  The Windows 7 SDK can be found here:
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