Trying to use an extender

Started by jfrasier, May 28, 2014, 04:36:21 PM

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Here is the part of the script that I think is relevant.


wntSvcControl("", "Timeout Client Services", 0, 1)

When I compile it and run I get the error 1394: AddExtender: Extender DLL not found.

How can I fix that?


When it runs compiled it looks for the extender locally or in a known path so you must compile it with the extender included in the compile and set to extract automatically (or code it to extract manually) or copy the DLL to somewhere it can find it such as the same directory as the EXE.



First make sure you are compiling using the 64-bit compiler. Only 64-bit EXEs can load 64-bit Extender dlls.

Also place the Extender dll 'wwwnt64i.dll' in the same directory as the EXE or provide a full path to the Extender.

Please read:
Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.
