Non-Stopping Status Messages or Window

Started by KeithW, May 17, 2020, 05:54:50 PM

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I am looking to provide the user with the status (stage of completion) BUT something that does not stop the execution of the program or wait for a user intervention (ENTER Key).

I have worked with products that let you put messages on the status bar (bottom of a window) and they both stay there until the window closes  (programs ends  OR  you update the status message) BUT the program keeps chugging along regardless?

That would be one type of updating.....

ANOTHER would be a status window that would be (preferably) a downward scrolling logfile.  What ever you posted to the windows would push the previous contents down to accommodate the current posting.  A nice feature would be to be able to timestamp the posting, however if worst case that could be done at the time of posting with code as opposed to an automatic feature.  Finally, the ability to save that output log to a file for later reference.  Nice to have for unattended options that might need to be reviewed.

Anything like either of these exist today, somebody have that would be willing to share or qualify to go on the feature request list?



If I'm processing numerous items through a loop structure I use aStatusBar. The great thing about it is that you have three distinct areas that you can constantly update as the script runs through it's loop. Example

I think there are some "Box" examples in the tech database that might work for your application.


Take a look at the WinBatch Box functions.  Creating real-time use update windows is common usage.  There are examples including one with a non aStatusBar progress bar in the Tech. Database.
"No one who sees a peregrine falcon fly can ever forget the beauty and thrill of that flight."
  - Dr. Tom Cade


Thanx for the heads up on this Extender Pkg, had not looked or payed with before.
