Keep Dialog box on screen

Started by nickedw, January 27, 2014, 09:49:14 AM

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Is there a way to keep the Dialog box on screen.

After a user clicks on the OK button, Winbatch clears the Dialog box and continues with the script. I would like to be able have the Dialog box in the background while  the rest of the script is running.
Further, I am thinking of updating a VaryText control as a way to keep the user informed of the script status.


BTW, I reviewed the Dynamic Dialog tutorial and tried the return(RETURN_DO_NOT_EXIT) but that did not allow the script to leave the dialog.


Quote from: nickedw on January 27, 2014, 09:51:56 AM
BTW, I reviewed the Dynamic Dialog tutorial and tried the return(RETURN_DO_NOT_EXIT) but that did not allow the script to leave the dialog.

The return value in your dialog callback procedure has special meaning: 

0 cancels dialog without updating control variables

-1 performs usual processing after return

-2 will not terminate. (Note: control variables will not get updated until the Dialog exits.) Use DialogControlGet and DialogControlSet, to get and set values.

n (positive integer) performs usual processing and exits the dialog and the number n is the return value of the Dialog statement as it exits.

If you have code that may take a long time to execute in a callback, you may need to temporarily disable the dialog. Don't forget to enable after the process is complete. You need to disable the dialog temporarily using DialogProcOptions option 1000. [ Dialog Disable: Grey the dialog's title bar and redraw dialog as necessary. Optionally, display the system's "wait cursor".]

Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.