ADODB.connection - SSL Security Error

Started by whodat, September 23, 2020, 10:42:34 AM

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I have been using this script to connect to my server/db.  It has been working for years.  My company recently disabled TLS1.0/1.1.  I am getting SSSL security error now.  what can I do to make it work?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake().]SSL Security error

oCN = ObjectOpen('ADODB.Connection')
oCN.Provider = 'SQLOLEDB'
oCN.Properties('Data Source').Value = MySource
oCN.Properties('Initial Catalog').Value = '%MyCatalog%'
oCN.Properties('User ID').Value = MyUserID  ;use for non integrated
oCN.Properties('Password').Value = MyPassword  ;use for non integrated"

Thanks in advance for any feedback

update:  all fixed - I changed the provider to new provider.   oCN.Provider = 'SQLNCLI11' 


Not sure, but there are additional parameters you can add to the connection string, like 'Trusted_Connection = Yes' or 'Integrated Security = Yes'


If you are using MSFT' SQL server you could use the native SQL client provider and set the "DataTypeCompatibility" property to 80.
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