ReportView Question

Started by seckner, October 02, 2013, 04:30:57 PM

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We've created a monster! So, now that I can get my Edit Boxes to fill in so.. lets see if we can put it into a grid. Got that and it looks OK EXCEPT, I just can't seem to understand how to size the columns. I want all of them to be the size of the data in the column so I called DialogControlSet(MyDialog_Handle,"ReportView_1",DC_RVCOLWIDTH,"-1" ) and, not. The first column is, second and rest of the column's are at the width of the header, not the data. Help?


You need to provide a space delimited list with a value for each column.


(s) Specify a new width in dialog units for each REPORTVIEW column as a space delimited in the function's set-info (fourth) parameter. Column widths can be set to -1 to cause a column's width to fit the column contents. -2 can be used to set a column's width to match the column's header text. Setting the farthest right column to -2 causes that column to fill the remaining width of the control.


Deana, just noticed...looks like that documentation needs another word or two.



Thank you Jim - worked like a charm!


Quote from: JTaylor on October 02, 2013, 09:28:43 PM
Deana, just noticed...looks like that documentation needs another word or two.


Thanks for the heads up. Will be addressed in the next release.
Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.