File decryption using GPG command line

Started by MW4, January 29, 2014, 11:17:43 AM

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Hi, has anyone written a batch script to decrypt a file using gpg?
The passphrase will be the same perpetually, so I just need it set up once.
The issue is passing the passphrase.


I am not personally familiar with GPG. However maybe you can give this a try:

Code  winbatch Select
;Sample Commandline
progname = 'c:\tools\gpg2.exe'
ShellExecute(progname, params, '', @NORMAL, '')
Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.


That's basically where I was...however your code was very nicely done and buttoned up  :)

However, that gives me the same issue, it opens up a dialog that asks for the passphrase.

I think this post on the internet has the answer, but I can't figure out a way to implement it:

>  Is there an option, eg. --passphrase, that I can use so that I can
>pass the passphrase in the command line when doing a signing, symmetric
>encryption or decryption? Without this option, I will be prompted on the

No, you'll have to pipe it through a file descriptor with --passphrase-fd.
But with the echo command it can be done on a commandline too on fd 0:
echo password | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt / --encrypt.


First confirm that you can run this commandline from the command shell cmd.exe:

Obviously modify to fit your needs:
echo thisismypassphrase | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt "C:\FILETODECRYPT.GPG"

Once you have a working commandline you can convert to a ShellExecute function.

Code  winbatch Select
;Sample Commandline
;echo thisismypassphrase | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt "C:\FILETODECRYPT.GPG"

;To explicitly run the 32-bit version of a command:
cmd_32 = DirWindows(0):"syswow64\CMD.EXE"
;	To explicitly run the 64-bit version of a command:
cmd_64 = DirWindows(0):"sysnative\CMD.EXE"

DirChange('c:\tools\gpg\') ;Location of gpg.exe
ShellExecute(cmd_32, '/k echo thisismypassphrase | gpg.exe --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt "C:\FILETODECRYPT.GPG"', '', @NORMAL, '')

Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.


That bombs on XP box, what's the /k ?

This works from my command line:

echo MyPassphrase|gpg -o c:\testme_pgp.txt --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt c:\testpgp.txt.gpg


I've tried so many combinations I'm spinning...

the only thing that works is this from the command line:

echo MyPassphrase|gpg -o c:\testme_pgp.txt --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt c:\testpgp.txt.gpg


Quote from: MW4 on January 29, 2014, 12:37:57 PM
That bombs on XP box, what's the /k ?

This works from my command line:

echo MyPassphrase|gpg -o c:\testme_pgp.txt --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt c:\testpgp.txt.gpg

/k tells the command shell window to Keep open.

Maybe try:
Code  winbatch Select
ShellExecute(cmd_32, '/k echo MyPassphrase|gpg -o c:\testme_pgp.txt --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt c:\testpgp.txt.gpg', '', @NORMAL, '')
Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.


This fixed it:

cmd_32 = DirWindows(0):"\system32\\CMD.EXE"

so how do I finish up by closing the CMD box?


Quote from: MW4 on January 29, 2014, 02:36:13 PM
This fixed it:

cmd_32 = DirWindows(0):"\system32\\CMD.EXE"

so how do I finish up by closing the CMD box?

You will need to remove the double backslash it should read:

Code  winbatch Select
cmd_32 = DirWindows(0):"system32\CMD.EXE"


Code  winbatch Select
cmd_32 = DirWindows(0):"syswow64\CMD.EXE"

Remove the /k
Deana F.
Technical Support
Wilson WindowWare Inc.


Double slash was a typo.

When I remove the /K then nothing happens at all.

Winclose('cmd') doesn't work either.


this got it:


AS ALWAYS...THANKS for all the help!!!!


Final code:
Code  winbatch Select
cmd_32 = DirWindows(0):"\system32\cmd.exe"  
DirChange('C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\') ;Location of gpg.exe
ShellExecute(cmd_32, '/k echo MyPassphrase|gpg -o c:\Decrypted.txt --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt c:\Encrypted.txt.gpg', '', @NORMAL, '')


If you ever consider compiling the code you might want to use a batch file with replaceable parameters for the encrypted/decrypted files rather than having them hard-coded.


This is just the meat of the process.
The final product will be in an exe which will do much more than just decrypt the one static file.