reverse sort

Started by pguild, March 18, 2023, 11:52:45 AM

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It would be helpful if there were an argument in Itemsort to ask for a reverse sort. But in the mean time, how can I roll my own reverse sort? -- "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."  as aphorism by Jim Rohn as quoted in the Kindle Book, GEMS OF WISDOM by Philip Seyer


Feel you would have to indicate the list items you want to sort. The WB function is char-based so in the example below not really going to sort by date with just the itemsort() function. There are,of course methods to get around treating numbers as numbers or dates as dates and possibly some RegEx, Array, or map code would help. My response is based on a generic reverse-sort holy grail and as first indicted, if you post a list, might be an easy solution.

Code  WINBATCH Select
list="10/10/2022,01/3/2022,03/1/2023,10/5/2023,04/12/2023" newlist = ItemSort(list, ",") Message("List generated by ItemSort", newlist)


As Stan noted there are types that won't work, but that aside, use ItemSort() and then rebuild the list using a For Loop, starting from the end.  Not trying for usable code below, just to make the idea clear.

nlist = ""
list = ItemSort(list,",")
cnt = ItemCount(list,",")
For x = cnt to 1 by -1
   nlist = nlist:",":ItemExtract(x,list,",")

nList = ItemRemove(1,nlist,",")

Haven't tried it but you might be able to load to an array and sort.  I think it handles some types.  Would need to look at documentation.  Arrayize() would be the place to start.

Hopefully WB will add this option.  It is something I requested as well, many years ago.



Just for grins, I threw the problem at ChatGPT4.  It's a little off on syntax, but amazing nontheless.

in Winbatch programming language, write a routine to reverse a sorted list A.

WinBatch is a scripting language primarily used for automating Windows tasks. Here's a simple routine to reverse a sorted list in WinBatch:

Code  winbatch Select
; Function to reverse a sorted list A :UserFunction ReverseList(A)     listLength = ItemCount(A, @TAB) ; Get the length of the list     reversedList = "" ; Initialize the reversed list     ; Loop through the list in reverse order     for i = listLength - 1 to 0 step -1         element = ItemExtract(i, A, @TAB) ; Extract the i-th element         reversedList = StrCat(reversedList, element, @TAB) ; Append the element to the reversed list     next     return StrTrim(reversedList, 3, @TAB) ; Remove the trailing tab and return the reversed list :EndFunction ; Example usage sortedList = "1@TAB2@TAB3@TAB4@TAB5" reversedList = ReverseList(sortedList) Message("Reversed List", StrReplace(reversedList, @TAB, ", ")) ; Display the reversed list, replacing tabs with commas

This script defines a function ReverseList() that takes a tab-separated list A as input, reverses it, and returns the reversed list. The example usage demonstrates how to use this function to reverse a sorted list and display the result.
The mind is everything; What you think, you become.


I wonder where it got this odd syntax from?
like, the ":UserFunction" thing and the three parameter StrTrim function call?
The mind is everything; What you think, you become.


You probably need to feed it the documentation first :)


Quote from: kdmoyers on March 20, 2023, 06:27:10 AM
I wonder where it got this odd syntax from?
like, the ":UserFunction" thing and the three parameter StrTrim function call?


The end is nigh...

Anyway, why not load the data into an array? The ArraySort function has options for sorting direction (@Ascending, @Descending) and sort type (@Stringsort, @Logicalsort). If you need an item list, you can use the Arrayize and ArrayItemize functions to convert from a list to an array and back again.
"No one who sees a peregrine falcon fly can ever forget the beauty and thrill of that flight."
  - Dr. Tom Cade


You're right Tony, that's tough to beat for simplicity:
Code  winbatch Select
x = arrayize(list,@tab) arraysort(x,@descending) newlist = arrayitemize(x, @tab)
The mind is everything; What you think, you become.


A date example not practical for large data sets but you should not be using lists for large data sets.

Code  winbatch Select
list="10/10/2022,01/3/2022,03/1/2023,10/5/2023,04/12/2023" arr = Arrayize(list, ",") last = ArrInfo(arr, 1) - 1 ; Convert to WIL time. for i = 0 to last    arr[i] = ObjectType("date", arr[i]) next ArraySort(arr,@DESCENDING|@LOGICALSORT) ; Convert time back to original format for i = 0 to last    arr[i] = TimeFormat(arr[i], "MM/d/yyyy") next newlist = ArrayItemize(arr, ",") Message("List generated by ItemSort", newlist) exit
"No one who sees a peregrine falcon fly can ever forget the beauty and thrill of that flight."
  - Dr. Tom Cade


I know this is off-topic. But went back into my 2006-2009 archives. Then I used a fabricated recordset to both try to identify date <> numeric <> or text items then use the .sort method with either Ascending or Descending.


Database tools should be and in many cases are well-suited for sorting tasks of various data types.
"No one who sees a peregrine falcon fly can ever forget the beauty and thrill of that flight."
  - Dr. Tom Cade


Then there is .NET System.Collections  Arraylist...   but not sure if it plays nice with WB CLR :-\ :-\ :-\

EDIT:  I dredged this up from 2013. Didn't get as far as the sort() method
Code  WINBATCH Select
;Winbatch 2013 - CLR ArrayList ; ; ;Stan Littlefield June 4, 2013 ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ObjectClrOption("useany","System.Net") oList = ObjectClrNew("System.Collections.ArrayList") oList.Add("Hello")  oList.Add("World")  oList.Add("!")  cTxt="My ArrayList":@CRLF cTxt=cTxt:"Count: ":oList.Count:@CRLF  cTxt=cTxt:"Capacity: ":oList.Capacity:@CRLF cTxt=cTxt:"Fixed Len?: ":oList.IsFixedSize:@CRLF  cTxt=cTxt:"Read only?: ":oList.IsReadOnly:@CRLF cTxt=cTxt:"Item 1: ":oList.Item(1):@CRLF oList=0 Message("",cTxt) Exit 


Thanks for the idea. I had no idea you could use arrays in this way.   :o
Here's a function I made along with a test.
I like to pass the delimiter to the function so I can use various delimiters in my lists.

#definefunction ReverseSort (list,delim)
  x = arrayize(list,delim)
  List = arrayitemize(x, delim)

list = "zebra,connie,beth,able"
NewList = ReverseSort(list,",")

Quote from: kdmoyers on March 20, 2023, 08:59:32 AM
You're right Tony, that's tough to beat for simplicity:
Code  winbatch Select
x = arrayize(list,@tab) arraysort(x,@descending) newlist = arrayitemize(x, @tab) -- "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."  as aphorism by Jim Rohn as quoted in the Kindle Book, GEMS OF WISDOM by Philip Seyer


Great! Sorry went of tangent on data types.