64 bit win server 2012 support

Started by cl666cl666, September 26, 2014, 10:02:35 AM

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Hi Support Team,

  We had version 2003f+compiler 10 years ago and now we need to migrate our executable to win server 2012 64 bit platform so we need to recompile it with the new version. I am wondering how we can proceed it and would that be supported?



Your existing 32-bit version of WinBatch+Compiler may still work on 64-bit Windows Server.  It depends on whether or not your installation has WOW64 installed. If it does then 32-bit scripts will still work on your 64-bit systems.  If you do not have WOW64 installed then you will have to use the  64-bit Compiler to generate compatible scripts. Also remember that most but not all WIL extenders have been ported to 64-bit.  The list of ported extenders can be found here


Of course, we recommend upgrading because your version is not officially supported on Windows 2012. WinBatch+Compiler necessarily has modifications for Windows versions as new OS versions become available.

You can view your purchase options by going to our a new version by going to our renewal page


After determining that you need to purchase, purchasing, and installing the new version you will need to read the Read Me Now.txt file to determine if there are any breaking changes that apply to your scripts. It is not likely that you will have to make any changes because of breaking changes because there aren't that many.

Depending on the version of Windows Server you are migrating from and what your scripts do, the bulk of the work will be the result of changes made to the OS and not changes to WinBatch.  You can get some idea of what you may need to look for by viewing our Whats New page or by viewing the Fixes and Enhancement text file that is part of your new installation.  There is a lot of material there so performing some word searches based on what your script does is one way to possibly identify potential problems. 

Of course, thoroughly testing you compiled scripts is the definitive method of determining what changes are needed.
"No one who sees a peregrine falcon fly can ever forget the beauty and thrill of that flight."
  - Dr. Tom Cade