Make Calendar showing photo and Monthly calendar below

Started by pguild, June 06, 2024, 02:43:32 PM

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I would like to use Winbatch to create a monthly calendar. Can I do it? Calendar should have space in each square to write a comment, like "Eye Surgery." Also, I would like a photo at the top of the calendar.
Please suggest some steps to make that happen. if such a thing is possible. -- "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."  as aphorism by Jim Rohn as quoted in the Kindle Book, GEMS OF WISDOM by Philip Seyer



1.  Make friends with 12 Firemen for the photos (probably showing my age here.)
2.  Maybe acquaint yourself with the new SQLite extender.  Probably best way to save calendar data.
3.  Decide on what control to use for your reminders.  MultilineEditBox, ItemList, ReportView???
4.  Acquaint yourself with my resizing UDFs.  That will allow you to smoothly resize your calendar.
    In TechDB under Resizing Controls.  Although that needs to be updated as it is VERY old and before
    the dialog Constants were implemented.  I will try to get that to Tony soon.

This is probably a project where substitution could be your best friend, if you name your controls     appropriately.

Just some thoughts.



Here is a simple demo for some of what I suggested.



the Resizing you have going on there is pretty sweet Jim.
I've gotta try that someday.

I might be tempted to find a way to use Maps instead of
substituted variables to store values, but that's just an
offhand idea, I didn't try it.
The mind is everything; What you think, you become.


Yeah...I'm quite proud of that :-)   Other than it being a bit tedious to setup initially, especially in a situation like this, it works really well.

The substitution is just to allow looping through one set of code rather than 42 and not really related to storing anything.  Assuming I understand your plan, I would still recommend using SQLite for the storage.

You might find using reportviews for the Day Displays a good option in that situation since the SQLite Extender returns Arrays. You can just plop those straight in a reportview.  That also gives you easy access to record IDs, if you include those, for simple updates and deletes.

Another thing I had intended to put in the demo but forgot, was if you click on a Day it would hide those around it and expand the size of the one you clicked for easy reading and editing.  Could open a new dialog but thought that would look cool :-)



Here is what I meant about resize/hide on double-click.  Just double click to reset.
